Is This A Mission Impossible?

From a Child Prospective By Mackenzie Ware, 12 years old. ( This is what she received from Sunday message in her own words. )

Luke 10:19-21
Is This A Mission Impossible?

Once you figure out your mission and you are working on it, you will come across all types of obstacles but you can’t let those obstacles leave you to give up. You must turn those obstacles into opportunities to prove that in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit that you have power, and that power will be enough to get you to the end. You have to use your power against the devil; it won’t make him go away completely because he’s always at work, but it will make your journey way easier to go through. We can’t let anyone put us down or stop us from doing what we know we should do.
We all have a purpose and a mission on Earth, so let’s not stride away from it. The devil is always at work to take you away from your mission therefore we need to use all our power to go against him so we can move on.