From a Child Perspective By Mackenzie Ware, 12 year old (This is what she received from Sunday message in her own words and spelling).

Are We Happy In The Lord

From a Child Prospective By Mackenzie Ware, 11 years old. ( This is what she received from Sunday message in her own words.

Ecclesiastes 3:12
Are We Happy In The Lord?

Are you happy with what the Lord does for you? You should be because he does so much. It not a sin to be happy, so you should ever be sad. We won’t be alive forever so why waste it on being sad because you won’t have feelings when your dead.
It is not a sin to be happy (that’s crazy). We all deserve to be happy at any time, especially if you are a Christian. We, as Christans have no reason to not be happy. God woke us up this morning, he gave us money to get food, we traveled safely throughout the day, we got home safely, and we got to go to sleep without any disturbance. If you know someone who is always sad, won’t ever smile, that is just depressed, well they don’t have to be like that. You can try to cheer them up, that person is possibly just lonely, and just needs a friend. You are a person who can give that person a friend, and not only will it make them happy, but it will makes you happy. Try helping out someone then ask yourself ,” am I happy.”
Everyone reading this is alive I think. We all are not going to be alive forever, so we shouldn’t waste it on the bad things in life. Stealing, killing, drugs are all a waste of time because the all lead you to the same place…jail, which is a waste of time because if you didn’t do all that stuff you could spend your time being happy. When you do everything you are spupposed to do in the end you be even more happy then ever before. Let’s all be happy and thankful.
We need to be happy in the Lord for he does everything for us and we have to repay him. If you waste your life being sad you won’t live your life to the fullest, and that is not a life you want to have lived.Are

Are We Experiencing God At The Level Of Servanthood?

From a Child Prospective By Mackenzie Ware, 11 years old. ( This is what she received from Sunday message in her own words.

Luke 10:1-3, 17
Are We Experiencing God At The Level Of Servanthood?

Are we expecting
In our church we have leaders and the congregation, the leader are supposed to set and example for the congregation as Jesus did for the world. We are not Jesus so we can’t do it like him but we have to try, which is all we can do.
If you can’t do it right don’t do it at all. If you don’t know how to do something, and you can’t learn it, don’t give up, but try something different because we can’t do everything. We want to do the things we like but if you don’t give and effort you can’t do it, we need to try if you want to be able to do it right. Jesus always gave effort in everything he did, he wasn’t lazy, he wasn’t tired, he was always on the go to spread the word of God. We need to give the effort.
We are here to spread the word of God, but most of us don’t even do that we do the complete opposite. When we don’t do what we are meant for it will effect us in the end. Since we were made in God’s image we have to act the part, or be as perfect as possible.
We don’t want to follow the devil for the WORST path to take, it might be a smooth ride but you are cheating and you will see you and your problems face to face. Let’s take the right path even though there are way more bumps, you can still get through with the help of God.
We need to try as much as we can, but when you don’t you won’t accomplish your goals. Lets take the right path as a leader not a follower.

What If Jesus Were King?

From a Child Prospective By Mackenzie Ware, 11 years old. ( This is what she received from Sunday message in her own words.

Luke 4:14-21, 28-30
What If Jesus Were King?

If Jesus were to be King(as in Martin Luther King Jr) he would be able easily spread the word as if he were making toast. Martin Luther King was loved and respect in rights for black people, and so many people loved him. Before he was shot he had changed so many people’s lives, and blacks got to be more respected. If it we’re Jesus in his shows it would be just like that. Jesus was loved and respect in sharing the word of God, doing miracles, healing the unhealthy, and so many people loved him. Before he was put to death on the cross he had changed so many people’s lives, and they got to know about God, therefore their souls were saved. Even though Martin Luther King and Jesus have some similarities, you can’t compare anything to Jesus. Jesus has been through it all with and without us, and he will continue his work to help us all.

Are We Measuring Up?

From a Child Prospective By Mackenzie Ware, 11 years old. ( This is what she received from Sunday message in her own words.

Ephesians 3:14-19
Are We Measuring Up?

Do you ever have that one “friend” that you don’t ever see until one day you get some money and they finally come around, and they are all over hoping they can get some money? I know that I’m not the only one. We all want a true friend that will stick by you no matter what, but sometimes it’s hard to find those people in the human race because they are already taken, they changed their ways, or there aren’t anymore, but there will be one person who is always there but you don’t even know it… Jesus. He has always been there since you were born and until you die no matter what you do. If you ever feeling lonely you can just hang out with Jesus, he will have time for you. We need to pray to Jesus more anyway since he has done everything for us, be gives us breath, he give it us food, our basic needs, and etc.
We need to be more greatful for everything given to us because if we don’t the height of our faith goes lower and lower. God has a measuring stick and he uses it to measure our every deed. If you have faith he measures how much faith you have, so let’s keep our self in check so we can get into heaven

Have we taken our eyes off the star?

From a Child Prospective By Mackenzie Ware, 11 years old. ( This is what she received from Sunday message in her own words.

Matthew 2:10
Have we taken our eyes off the star?

Christmas is over, and we are getting ready for the New Year. Most of the Christmas decorations have been taken down, we been back home from our trips, we have opened all the presents, but that beautiful star is still shining. Since the day Jesus was born the star has been shining and we have been letting that star guide us through our life. You are probably thinking, how does a little star in the night shy guide us through our life, Jesus is that star and he personally makes out how our life is going to be, and his star guides and helps you. That’s why we should never take our eye off the star because it’s like walking away from Jesus.
Jesus will always be by our side and never leave us in the dark, and follow you through your life, so you are never alone. Jesus has promised to never leave you and he never breaks his promises, so we need to let him guide us.
Not only will Jesus follow you he will be there to help you through the way because he won’t just walk with you and do nothing like regular people would do. He going to guide you through the obstacles that come along for life isn’t just a smooth road for there are bumps along the way. We can’t every do anything alone, and we don’t have to since we have that bright star to guide us along the way, so we don’t end up on the wrong side. We will always have that light to light the way.
We all have been somewhere that was dark and you had to use something to light a path. Let’s say that the dark is you trapped in your mind, you are just walking but you have no idea where you are or where you are going, now that light is Jesus, a light appears by your side and you let that light guide you as it lights your path, now you have reached the end you are in heaven and it’s the best, you are overwhelmed with joy, and extremely happy that you were able to find that light to help guide. We can never look away from that’s light or you could lose it, so let not.

The Greatest Gift of All

From a Child Prospective By Mackenzie Ware, 11 years old. ( This is what she received from Sunday message in her own words.

James 1:17
The Greatest Gift of All.

What is the greatest gift of all? Since it’s close to Christmas, you might say I want the newest phone, the newest video game, or whatever you want. Sometimes we forget the most Important gift that is given to us.
From the beginning of time God has always been there for man kind. Even when we do the worst sins God never lets us go. We can’t even count the amount of blessing he gives us every day. Because we are so ignorant at times, God gave up his only son to save us all. We should all know that we should at least give thanks to God for everything he has done for us.
Most of the time during Christmas we think A LOT about presents and food, so we completely forget about the reason we have all those things and what Christmas is really about.

Are We Fit For The Kingdom

From a Child Prospective By Mackenzie Ware, 11 years old. ( This is what she received from Sunday message in her own words.

Luke 9:57-62
Are We Fit For The Kingdom?

Do you think that you will make it into heaven? Have you decided everything you could possibly do to know for sure you will make it into the kingdom, of heaven. If not we have to proceed to finish the tasks to make it into the kingdom.

God is trying to make a kingdom here on Earth but it won’t work unless we cooperate with him. To help God make this kingdom we have to have all the believers help. We all must worship and praise God. Also in order to get into the kingdom we must go forward.

People who go forward leave the past behind and move on in their life. We can not look back, we go back, and we definitely can’t stay back. You are not fit for the kingdom if you just keep going back. It’s like a car, in order to go somewhere you have to go forwards, but if you keep going back you will do nothing but crash. Us as people if we keep going back we will crash into obstacles we have already passed. We can’t be the problem in the solution.

Do you want to be the person who ruins everything in the group or the person who can solve the problems. Because those people who cause the problem, are annoying to those people who try to clean up your mess. When you are that person who helps with the problems you don’t get all the hate like the people who cause problems.
If you are still setback you can have a comeback with your comeback faith. If you believe in Lord you can go on your merry way going forwards to the kingdom.
Then once you comeback, you will be fit for the kingdom of heaven.

Are We Faithful To God’s Promises?

From a Child Prospective By Mackenzie Ware, 11 years old. ( This is what she received from Sunday message in her own words.

Joshua 23:14
Are We Faithful To God’s Promises?

God always will keep his promise know matter what. It might take a couple of days, weeks, or even months, but we have to be patient and it might come sooner. Besides having God as a great promise keeper, who do you know who has ALWAYS kept there promises. Not really anybody; right?
Even the closest friends sometimes can’t keep a promise because nobody is perfect, except for God. Not even you, you have failed to keep your promises. If we fail people on Earth we are most likely to fail God.
God has never failed us. He kept his promise to Noah, Abraham, Moses, to the people who Jesus Christ died for, and to all of us. We have failed to keep our promises to God all the time. But steal we say we won’t do it again; next day we take some jewelry from the store. We are not supposed to do that for it is part of the Ten Commandments. We must be more faithful to God’s promises.

How Deep Is Your Love?

From a Child Prospective By Mackenzie Ware, 11 years old. ( This is what she received from Sunday message in her own words.

1 Peter 4:8
How Deep Is Your Love?

How deep is your love actually? Is it like a stream, a pond, an ocean, or is it a love like God’s? We all need to have love like God’s, because his love is unconditional, but we don’t. Our love might a lot but God’s for us is way past all the love you can give to one person. He loves us all EQUALLY, and it is unconditional, which means it will never expire.
Our love expires. When you ask someone to do you a favor they don’t do, but when they ask you for a favor you don’t want to do it, because you want payback. God isn’t like that. When he doesn’t want you to sin, you sin, but when you want something from him he will give it to you. We need a love like God’s love.
With God love we can do lots of things. With that power we can learn to forgive and forget, Instead of holding a grudge. It will help us with making the right decision, instead of doing something we will regret in the future. We need God’s love for many reasons.
God’s love is completely different from our love. It is everlasting, it is faster than the speed of light, it is stronger then a 200lb weight, and it will help you through any situation. No matter the situation you are covered with God’s love.

Are We Ready to Grow Up?

From a Child Prospective By Mackenzie Ware, 11 years old. ( This is what she received from Sunday message in her own words.

1 Corinthians 13:9-13
Are We Ready to Grow Up?

God needs us to move forward in order to go somewhere, and by that I mean God wants us to grow up. He, off course, uses children, but he needs the adults to not be childish. He wants us to be mature so he can guide us. We all need to grow up or we will never die and go to heaven!
Why do we need to grow up? Because the vision of God has to move up. We have to grow up and get rid of those grudges, the hatefulness, and every other bad thing we can think of.
We need to grow up in order to get up because if we can’t get up we move on, if we don’t move on we can’t reach the end, and if we can’t reach the end, we can’t meet our heavenly Father. We need to grow up in order to fore fill the Lords vision, and with no vision there are no people because God wants the people on Earth to fore fill his vision.
So we all need to grow up in order to go forward.