From a Child Perspective By Mackenzie Ware, 12 year old (This is what she received from Sunday message in her own words and spelling).

Experience The Presence of God

From a Child Prospective By Mackenzie Ware, 11 years old. ( This is what she received from Sunday message in her own words and spelling).

Isaiah 6:1-3
Experience The Presence of God.

Have you ever felt or seen the presents of God, you have probably felt it because if you saw God you would not survive.
You might be feeling down lately but you didn’t know how to fix it, you going out with your friends, tried to eat your way out of it, just tried to ignore, but none of those choices worked but the one choice you didn’t try was to pray, if you pray to God he WILL fix your problems. God is holy so he can do anything he wishes to, God is holy holy holy so we don’t treat him like a regular celebrity because he is way more than that. When a famous person walks in the door you stand up and clap, but if God walks in you get on your knees and praise him because you probably not going to get another chance to. Praise God while you can.
Do you think you are a fake or real christian? If you don’t know here is a story to relate to. There was once a man who loved Elvis Presley, and went through everything to be like him, but at the end he said, “I went through all of this to look like Elvis, but I never really got to know who he really is.” That’s how fake Christians are, they go to church and sit there because they never go to church for God they go to impress other people, real Christans go to church to actually learn the word of God. Are you a fake or real Christian?

Building God’s Kingdom

From a Child Prospective By Mackenzie Ware, 11 years old. ( This is what she received from Sunday message in her own words and spelling).
Daniel 3:16-18
Building God’s Kingdom.
We are in the business of building God’s Kingdom. What do you think that means? It means that we a making changes to the world we live in now, we are trying to help the poor, the homeless, and the sick, so we need to help them we don’t just drive past them or make fun of them. We don’t only help the one’s that might be Adults and poor, but we need to help the children. They follow the image that is put in front of them, which means they are going to try to be vloggers, celebritys, and what else they find on the internet. So we need to try to there image and teach them life lessons, pull them to God, and have them get a good education. So instead of the internet being their image have God be their image.
What type of lessons should children be learning? Not only should they learn social studies, math, science, writing, spelling, and reading, they need to learn life lessons, like you did as a child, you have made mistakes as a child you don’t want anyone to know, but you learned not to do that again, that’s what the children are suppose to do, they need to make mistakes so they can learn not to do again or the consequences will happen again.
They know what to do about learning, but what about God’s lessons, he is the main person we should be learning about. We should learn the word and while studying we learn that we are are God’s children, and since nobody is here forever we need to teach the children what we learned so they can be the ones to build God’s Kingdom, then they will do the same thing, then their children will do it, then the grandkids etc. It will be and everlasting cycle, until Jesus comes again.

Are You Running Low On Praise

From a Child Prospective By Mackenzie Ware, 11 years old. ( This is what she received from Sunday message in her own words and spelling).

Psalms 105:1
Are You Running Low on Praise?

You can not run low on praise, if you do run low on praise then you are on dangerous ground. Not only that, if you run low on praise then you have made your way on the devil list of slaves. Lucky for people who run low on praise, it is easy to fix. Before you ran low on praise what did you do? You went to church, you paid attention to the word, you praised the Lord the way YOU wanted to. If you don’t know how to get praise on, you don’t really have to do much, all you have to do is say three words… praise…the…Lord. That is all you have to do.
The enemy wants you to run low on praise, and you probably know who the enemy is, but if you don’t it’s the devil. He wants you to be on his side not God’s side. The devil can easily trick you to be on the his side. He will say things like; “You can steal whatever you want, it’s not like anyone is watching you.” Or he might say, “Don’t go to church today you been through enough today.” You might actually believe him, but if you do it is fine everybody makes mistakes, but you learn from thoses mistakes and you try not to do them again.
How do you know you are running low on praise? You know you are running low on praise when you stop doing good things you used to do and start doing bad habits. When you start slacking on what good things. If you someone pressures you to not praise God then they went the wrong way while your still on the right path. It is a great thing to praise God, and don’t ever think differently about that.

Are We Ready For The Corp

From a Child Prospective By Mackenzie Ware, 11 years old. ( This is what she received from Sunday message in her own words and spelling).

Matthew 13:18-23
Are we ready for the crop?

Ready for the crop, what does that mean? It leans mostly to a part of the crop, the roots. It’s about the roots because the roots won’t never let go of the soil, like how we shouldn’t let go of God, or how God will never let go of us. God is our roots because he will never letlet us go, he will give us what we need, and he with us every step of the way. But not only is this about the roots of a crop, what about what make up the crops, THE SEEDS. We are the small little seeds, and soon we will grow into a big crop, but do you Know how we get to that crop? We need someone to give us nutrients, give us food/water, give us shelter from bad weather, and give everything else we need. The only person who can do that is our one and only God.
How do you know if you are a seed or a crop? Let me tell you how you know, have you just began going to church or just began understanding the word then you are probably a seed that beginning to grow. If you understand the word, listen to the word, and study the word than your a healthy well grown crop. Now if you know the word REALLY GOOD, you do what God tells you, you try to participate in church, tell others about the word, pray for yourself and others, then you are a crop that is bigger than a giant Sequoia tree, the biggest tree in the world, and the healthiest crop in the world. I’m going to be honest and say I’m probably just a healthy crop with a good size, but you think long and hard and say what type of crop you are.

Are we strong enough to be strong for someone else?

From a Child Prospective By Mackenzie Ware, 11 years old. ( This is what she received from Sunday message in her own words and

Titus 2:3-5
Are we strong enough to be strong for someone else?

Can you answer that question? You can’t help anyone if you can’t help yourself. So before you try to help someone think about what you can and can’t do. If know that you can do EVERYTHING then you don’t have to read this, but you know that there are some important things that you can not do.
Lots of people might need your help, for example; When you see somebody getting robbed you probably think do I know how to fight back or should I just do. You probably won’t because you know you can not do. Before you try to do something for someone else try to help yourself.

Stay Focused On Jesus

From a Child Prospective By Mackenzie Ware, 11 years old. ( This is what she received from Sunday message in her own words and spelling).

Sunday, May 13, 2018

1 John 1:5-10

Stay Focused On Jesus.

So I’m going to start this lesson off with a question. What are you focusing on right now, besides reading this perspective, are you thinking about some bad things, some weird things, maybe some real world things, what about Jesus. You aren’t thinking about Jesus, why? Jesus is the only thing you do need to focus on, everything else forget it, focusing on bad things think about Jesus he will help you solve your problem, what about weird things think about Jesus because weird thought are..just.. weird, what about happy thoughts think about Jesus and you’ll be happy, well your already happy, but EVEN MORE HAPPY!
If you still don’t have a reason to think about Jesus then here are some reasons. You just woke up in the morning and your like “I woke today.” WRONG!!! GOD WOKE YOU UP NOW GET IT RIGHT! You don’t do anything by yourself, everything you do Jesus is some how involved in it with you. So you focusing on something else but Jesus start focusing on him

Are You Ready For The Good Times

From a Child Prospective By Mackenzie Ware, 11 years old. ( This is what she received from Sunday message in her own words and spelling).
Sunday, May 6, 2018
Romans 8:28
Are You Ready For The Good Times?
As Christians we need to read the small, small print on your Christian contract. What is a Christian contract? Glad you asked, a Christian contract is something you sign once you become a Christian. If you didn’t read the small print then you just think all you got to do is believe in God and go to church. That is…… INCORRECT! Being doesn’t only mean that, it also mean that you have understand what you learn in church, trying not to do bad things, and not to put someone or something in front of God. God is a really trust worthy person, he was always there when nobody else was there, he gave you the money to pay your taxes and bills, he provided shelter, food, and drinks for you, and that’s not all he has done for you. If you tried to name all the things God has done for you, you probably get bored and start watching TV, but the point is that he done so much for you and you need to give back. How to do that? You are part of God’s plan, so start doing something for the Lord, and work your whole body for him just as he does for you.
Have you ever thought somebody had it better than you and you, “that’s not fair that they have all of this and I have nothing at all.” Stop acting like that, you don’t know there life. They might have a bunch of stuff but they might be bored of doing the same thing every day, they could have bad things going on in their life. So stop focusing on them and focus on the Lord.

Is Jesus in the house?

From a Child Prospective By Mackenzie Ware, 11 years old. ( This is what she received from Sunday message in her own words and spelling).
Sunday, April 29, 2018
John 12:20-22

What would Jesus do? You have no idea if you haven’t read the Bible. If Jesus was still here you probably would think that all he would do was miricles, no. That’s not all he does he also will help the poor, the sick, non believers, probably even the Christians. That’s what you need to do. You need to help the poor, the sick, non believers, and all the Christians! you can even help your friends out.
Still don’t get what I’m saying? Here’s something else. Imagine if somebody comes up to and ask you what does Jesus look like? You don’t know what he looks like! But you let them see Him through you. Use the information that you’ve learned about God to help him/her know what Jesus likes. You don’t know anything about God then I can’t really help you because you need to have a relationship with the Lord to know understand the word of God. If you do know the word but don’t know how to explain it explain it through action, because actions speak louder than words. It doesn’t matter if speak it or use action the man/women or boy/girl will get it at the end

Are Suffering From Spiritual Fatigue?

From a Child Prospective By Mackenzie Ware, 11 years old. ( This is what she received from Sunday message in her own words and spelling).

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Mark 6:30-32
Are Suffering From Spiritual Fatigue?

Are we suffering from some type of burn out? Are we suffering from fatigue, what is fatigue. Fatigue is when we feel tired, if we have low energy, or just want to sleep no matter where you are. So instead of suffering from regular fatigue are we suffering from spiritual fatigue ?
You don’t know well is it because you are tired of sitting in church just sitting there waiting for something interesting to happen, or is it could be that you lack spiritual energy in your heart, maybe it could be that you just aren’t interacting with the message of the day, your just sitting there looking like you about to let your head fall to the ground. How about you stand up when you supposed to, you could also sing with the choir, and a bunch of other things you could do to get involved with church.
There is nothing worse than being a burned out believer, there isn’t anything wrong about that, it’s only wrong when you don’t know your burning out. Are we excited about the Lord when your in Church, no, than… YOU BEST BE GETTING EXCITED NOW because God is one of the most exciting people in the world because if you think about it God has all the power over the Universe so then quess what he could probably make a talking pop tart or something because he can do anything. That’s why we need the right spirit cause if we don’t all through church we will just be like, “OH MY GOSH I DON’T WANNA BE HERE!!!” But with the right spirit we will be like, “HALLELUJIAH I’M AM SO GLAD TO BE HERE AND I AM SOOOO HAPPY TO BE ALIVE.” Now I wonder how many people you know doing that.
How many times do you have a room all to yourself and it’s just to quite that you only hear the birds chirping and the TV off what do you do, “well I just get to my phone an watch YOUTUBE.” NO! Do not do that, how about you getting your Bible and start reading it and not do anything involving mobile devices.

Are You Glad To Be In The House

From a Child Prospective By Mackenzie Ware, 11 years old. ( This is what she received from Sunday message in her own words and spelling).

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Psalm 122:1-2
Are You Glad To Be In The House

People say smoking cigarettes are bad for your health, but it hasn’t been determined that going to church is bad for your health. Going to is actually the complete opposite, not only is it good for your fiscal health church is good for your, mental health, and spiritual health.
When you have stress what do you do? Do you go to a therapist, do you just sit and think, do you talk about it with a friend, well if you do any of those things then you are Wrong. If you know the Lord then you wouldn’t have to do any of those things, all you have to do is pray and everything will be ok. When your feeling some bad emotions STOP and go to church because by the time you walk out you’ll be sad that it’s over but you’ll be sooo happy about what you have learned.
Do you have any bad habits? Like doing dangerous stunts or climbing on everything you see, well the worst habbit of them all is not going to church. People say I don’t need to go to church I can learn about God on YouTube, thats like saying I can learn about God anywhere BUT church, when you walk into the church you should say “I am glad to be in the house of the Lord.” Because it’s the best place to be.